Tuesday, March 31, 2020

紅龍漫畫社第一講:三格漫畫 Three-grid comics

歡迎大家來部落格。今天是我們紅龍漫畫社第一期的分享與設計課,我是大家的社長兼老師,趙老師Mr. James
第一期我們來了解一下美國漫畫裡的一些著名的畫家。大家都叫我Mr. James, 所以我打算先從一個家喻戶曉的也叫 James 的漫畫家開始我們的課程。他的名字叫 James Robert。這位漫畫家跟趙老師有一個相同愛好,就是我們兩個都很喜歡James Robert 最出名的作品就是《加菲貓》作品裡有我們最喜歡的橙色的貓“加菲“ 一直笨笨的狗 “歐迪”及它們的主人喬恩·艾伯克。作品裡面的加菲貓就是漫畫從自己生活中得來的靈感。優秀的人物設計都是來源於生活。 

                 Today is the first sharing and design class of our Red Dragon Comics ClubI am your teacher of the club, Mr. James 

              In the first workshop, let us learn from some American famous comic artists. Everyone calls me Mr. James, so I'm going to start our class with a well-known comic artist also called James. His name is James Robert. He has the same hobby as Mr. James, that we both CAT's lover. James Robert's most famous work is "Garfield", which has the lovely orange cat "Garfield", the always silly dog "Odie" and their owner Jon Eberle. The cat "Garfield" is the inspiration drawn from James Robert's own lives. Excellent character design always comes from life.  

下面我們大家一起來看看James Robert 是如何創作他的暢銷漫畫故事的。首先我們來看看“加菲貓” 漫畫系列使用的三格漫畫。大家都聽過四格漫畫,那什麼是三格漫畫呢?請看看下面一組 James robert 創作故事的過程。

Let ’s take a look at how James Robert created his best-selling comic story. First, let ’s take a look at the Three-grid comics used in the Garfield comic series. Everyone has heard of four-grid comics. So what are three-grid comics? Please check out the following set of stories created by James Robert.

圖中彩色三個格子裡漫畫家先是把自己的日常生活用漫畫的形式紀錄下來,然後大家能看到下面的格子裡面會加入新的角色一起互動組成新的故事。Mr. JAMES 請大家也來一起製作自己的三格漫畫。

In the three colored panels, James Robert first records his daily life in the form of comics, and then he adds new characters to interact with each other to form a new story. Mr. JAMES invites you to make your own Three-Grid Comics 

           2. 故事裡必須有兩個人物(可以是你的寵物,家人)
           3. 故事裡請加入人物對話
           4. 拒絕一切暴力及不文明的故事。
           5. 請大家把作品拍照發到課後班大班的微信群或E-mail
               到 junyuzhaodesign@gmail.com.

Topic: My remote learning day

            1. Must and can only be done in three grids
            2. There must be two characters in the story 
                 (could be your pet, family and many more...)
            3. Please add dialogue to your final story
            4. Reject all stories of violence and Uncivilized 
            5. Please send photos to our WeChat group or
                E-mail to junyuzhaodesign@gmail.com.     

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